UW-Superior to celebrate Red Cross Day with community events

UW-Superior to celebrate Red Cross Day with community events


The University of Wisconsin-Superior invites the community to join in the celebration of Red Cross Day with multiple events on Thursday, April 13, in the Yellowjacket Union. Volunteers from the local Red Cross chapter will join UW-Superior staff from several departments throughout the day.

Hands-only CPR will be demonstrated and taught from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Yellowjacket Union. Red Cross staff and volunteers will train individuals in delivering hands-only CPR and familiarity with using an AED. Hands-only CPR is conducted without rescue breaths, which makes it simple to learn and easy to remember. CPR, if performed immediately, can double, or triple the chance of survival from cardiac arrest. This valuable skill takes less than 15 minutes to learn.

Honor Flight card writing will take place from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Yellowjacket Union. In May, 180 local veterans will travel to Washington, D.C. as part of the annual Honor Flight Northland program. During Red Cross Day, individuals are invited to write notes of appreciation for these local veterans, which will be distributed during the flight.

Also at the event, UW-Superior students will teach fellow students, faculty and staff, and community members about refugees and international humanitarian law, and the Red Cross with an exhibit titled “Refugee for 60 Minutes,” with will take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Yellowjacket Union Great Room. The exhibit provides an interactive model to help participants learn about the technical aspects of this topic, such as the legal definition of who is a refugee and rights under international humanitarian law, as well as non-technical issues, such as living conditions, food and safety in refugee camps. This exhibition inspires to teach the community and university about the factors that cause people to become refugees and to have a better understanding of their hopes and fears as they embark on their journeys.

The Yellowjacket Union is located at 1605 Catlin Ave. in Superior.