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Sonia Kovalevsky Day (High School Math Event)

Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Location: Yellowjacket Union Great Room, Yellowjacket Union Room 201, Yellowjacket Union Room 202, Yellowjacket Union Room 203, Yellowjacket Union National Bank of Commerce Landing, Yellowjacket Union Room 204
Event Category: Open to the Public

Sonia Kovalevsky Day 

When:  Thursday, November 7, 2024; 9 a.m. to 3 p..m.

Where:  UW-Superior Yellowjacket Union

Who:  9th-12th grade women and their teachers

Registration Information

Registration is FREE, and it will open in August.  Lunch will be provided.  Register early as event attendance is limited to 150 participants.


The University of Wisconsin-Superior will be hosting Sonia Kovalevsky Day (SK Day) on November 7, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Yellowjacket Union.  SK Day is a fun day of mathematical activities and career information for 9th-12th grade women and their teachers.  Schools across the region are invited to participate.  The purpose of SK Day is to expose young women to the beauty of mathematics and encourage them to continue their study of mathematics in their future endeavors.  

More information about the activities at SK Day 2024 will be released in August.  


For more information, contact Kristin Riesgraf by e-mail at or by phone 715-394-8560.