Our Stormwater Management Program
The University of Wisconsin-Superior is at the beginning stages of developing a stormwater management program. As responsible citizens of the City of Superior and the State of Wisconsin, it is our obligation to take care of our natural resources.
Stormwater is water that results from rain that either soaks into the soil or creates surface runoff. Stormwater runoff collects pet waste, leaves, fertilizers and pesticides, motor oil, detergents, cigarette butts, trash and other pollutants and carries them down storm sewers to creeks and rivers and eventually into our lakes. Pollutants degrade water quality, increase the growth of harmful algae and cause other harm to our lakes and streams.
UW-Superior’s Efforts to Reduce Stormwater Runoff and Pollutants
- Yellowjacket Union’s vegetative roof cleans and slows the runoff from the roof, so storm sewers aren’t overwhelmed.
- Rain gardens clean and slow runoff from parking lots and provide pollinator gardens.
- Parking lot sweeping prevents trash, leaves and other pollutants from flowing into storm drains.
- Reduced use of pesticides and fertilizers on campus grounds.
- Only distributing recommended amounts of ice melt products.
Be Stormwater Smart
Here’s what you can do to reduce stormwater runoff and pollutants:
- Place trash, cigarette butts and other waste into trash receptacles.
- Sweep yard waste into piles and dispose of it properly. Don’t blow it onto the street.
- Repair oil and coolant leaks on your car to reduce hazardous spills on streets and in parking lots.
- Wash cars at the carwash, where they can properly dispose of the wash water. Or, wash your car in an area where runoff doesn’t flow to the street, such as on gravel or grassy areas.
- Pick up and properly dispose of pet waste to keep it out of stormwater.
- Properly dispose of automotive fluids. Never dump them down the storm sewer.
- Use the recommended amount of ice melt and pesticides to reduce runoff pollution.
UW-Superior Facilities Management submits an annual stormwater permit to the Wisconsin DNR called the MS4. Please email Facilities Management with any questions about stormwater management at UW-Superior.