
Gender & Sexuality Prgms Coord
Office: Swenson Hall 1031D


T (pronouns they/them) is passionate about exploring aspects of personal identity work, engaging in deep dialogues about social issues, and developing better practices of community care. In their free time, T enjoys taking care of several house plants, practicing yoga, and being out in nature. Whenever possible, T especially delights in combining these areas of interest, practicing community care and communal relation while being active in nature or engaging in conversation with others over a cup of coffee or tea.

T’s specialty areas and interest are in the various conceptualizations of gender and sexuality; understanding the experiences of multiple marginalized identities; examining intersections of power, privilege, and oppression; and exploration of self-care and community-care methods and models. 


  • 2018 – Master of Education (M.Ed.) – Student Affairs Administration, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
  • 2016 – Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) – Psychology and Communication Studies, University of Iowa