Free virtual speaker to discuss ‘Sleeping Well in the 21st Century’ 

Free virtual speaker to discuss ‘Sleeping Well in the 21st Century’ 


The University of Wisconsin-Superior’s Pruitt Center for Mindfulness & Well-Being fall virtual speaker series will host J. Roxanne Prichard presenting “Sleeping Well in the 21st Century: A How-to Guide for Better Health” on Tuesday, October 17, at 4 p.m.

Sleep quantity has been on a sharp decline for decades in people of all ages. Unfortunately, this decline has been linked to several adverse health outcomes including decreased ability to focus, increased anxiety and depression, and metabolic disruption. This talk will provide an overview of the science of sleep and will describe how to sleep well in a world that bombards individuals with messages to do more and stay stressed.

Free and open to the community, Prichard will share the six dimensions of sleep health, describe the most common causes of poor sleep across the lifespan, describe how good sleep supports mental and physical health and performance and give practical ways to improve sleep.

Prichard is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Her research focuses on sleep health in adolescents, and she served on the NCAA task force for sleep and wellness.

Registration is available online.

The speaker series is sponsored by the Student Behavioral Health Initiative, a UW System priority to support student emotional health and well-being.