Ojibwe placenames and perspectives featured at River Talks

Ojibwe placenames and perspectives featured at River Talks


The third River Talk of the 2024-2025 season will take place Wednesday, January 8, at 6:30 p.m. The talk can be attended in person at the Lake Superior Estuarium, located on Barkers Island at 3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wisconsin, or virtually on Zoom.

Naawakwe William Howes III, the Gegaanzikiged (Ojibwemowin Project Manager) at Gegaanzongejig Ji-Aabadak Ojibwemowin, the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Language & Culture Program, will share “Chigami-Ziibing – Ojibwe Placenames and Perspectives along the St. Louis River Estuary”.

During part of the talk, participants will explore maps in the Lake Superior Estuarium, and the entire event will not be available virtually.

Chigami-ziibing, the St. Louis River, carries many place names that describe its importance to the Anishinaabe. Learn the Ojibwemowin names for your favorite spots along the river and practice a bit of the language too. The event will last an hour and will include time for comments and questions. Light refreshments will be provided.

For those unable to attend in person, registration to attend the Zoom presentation online is available.

The River Talk schedule for the season includes one additional talk at the Lake Superior Estuarium:

            Wednesday, February 12. Returning Good Fire to Superior Forests. Panelists from the City of Superior and the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa wildland fire program