There are just a few more steps to take to becoming a Yellowjacket and diving into the UW-Superior community.
Complete Your Form
Concurrent/Dual Enrollment students complete the Enrollment Course Request form and submit via email to conted@uwsuper.edu.
Early College Credit Program (ECCP) students complete the UW System ECCP Participant Form and submit it to their high school counselor for approval.
Finish Your Placement Testing*
If a placement test is needed for the course you are taking, please work with the instructor or the Center for Continuing Education for support to complete it.
(*not required for all courses)
Complete The Release Form*
The Release of Non-Directory Information form allows parents or guardians to access your student information, like billing, academic information, and disability services. Find the form here and submit your completed form to conted@uwsuper.edu.
Set Up Okta Verify
In an effort to protect your personal data, UW-Superior uses a multi-factor authenticator called Okta Verify. You will need to set up your Okta Verify account to access all of your UWS apps including E-Hive, Canvas and more.
Need Assistance?
The Technology Help Desk is available to help with your Okta questions and set up.
Check Your UW-Superior Email
Stay connected by checking your UW-Superior email account. This is the official communication tool of the University. Watch your inbox for your welcome letter and other important updates.