Cultivating a Love for Music
The University of Wisconsin-Superior Community Music School offers music lessons to students throughout the Twin Ports region, as well as free professional development sessions for music teachers. Our instructors provide top-quality education to children of all ability levels, many of whom receive free or reduced tuition. Through these activities, we seek to facilitate lifelong learning of music.

Music Lessons
Skilled instructors teach musical foundations and instruments.

Lowest tuition rates in the area. Your child may qualify for reduced or free lessons and instrument rentals.

Your Teaching
Free skill development sessions for current and aspiring music teachers.

Youth Music Classes
Accessible Education
We believe that every aspiring musician should have access to quality instruction. That’s why we offer free or reduced tuition to many students, ensuring that finances won’t stand in the way of their musical dreams. The UW-Superior Community Music School offers:
- Lessons for less than half the rate of other community music schools in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
- Half tuition rate for children who qualify for reduced lunches.
- Free lessons and instrument rental when available for children who qualify for free lunches.
Individual Music Lessons
The UW-Superior Community Music School offers individual lessons in strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, guitar, piano and voice.
Group Music Classes
These classes are co-taught by music education majors and faculty. They are designed for children from birth to age 7 and are focused on developing audiation through a variety of musical experiences including movement, singing, playing instruments, creativity and improvisation.

Empowering Music Teachers
The UW-Superior Community Music School offers a variety of FREE professional development sessions for current and aspiring music teachers.
Gain Experience
Become a student instructor! Instructors teach with guidance from and may even co-teach alongside faculty. Student instructors are compensated at the highest allotted starting wage for student employees, providing an important source of income for our university music students.
Stay at the Forefront of Musical Education
The UW-Superior Community Music School has offered professional development sessions on topics including folk music and dance, teacher sharing, ideas for choral programs, music technology and improvisation.
Get Started
Contact David Potter, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Music Education, to learn more about how you can enhance your teaching and empower your music students.

Lessons and classes are supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Funding for the University of Wisconsin-Superior Community Music School is also provided in part by the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation.