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Home > News > Music Department to host Orchestra Concerto Competition Concert
The University of Wisconsin-Superior Music Department will hold its Orchestra Concerto Competition Concert on Thursday, May 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Thorpe Langley Auditorium. The first half will feature UWS...
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Joshua Waring
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Benjamin Strege
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Chelsie Wermager
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Gabriel Sexton
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Katherine Sundeen
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > William Swenson
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Winnifred Taylor
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Jeanne Thompson
Education 2003 – Master of Arts (M.A.) – Management, The College of St. Scholastica  2000 – Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) – Behavioral Arts and Science, The College of St....
Home > Faculty and Staff Directory > Cecilia Schrenker