Preventing Drug and Alcohol Abuse

University of Wisconsin-Superior Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness (AODA) Program

The UW-Superior AODA Taskforce has been charged by the chancellor with the responsibility of reviewing policy and providing educational opportunities/resources addressing alcohol and other drug use affecting the UW-Superior campus community. The AODA Taskforce follows the guidelines set forth by Universities of Wisconsin.

Goals of the AODA Taskforce:

  • Educating faculty, staff and students about alcohol and drug issues.
  • Reducing problems associated with alcohol and drug use by promoting informed decision making and healthy life style choices.
  • Connecting faculty, staff and students to UW-Superior and community AODA resources.

In spite of numerous advances in the health and human services fields, universities across the nation are struggling to address how alcohol and other drugs negatively impact campus life. Academic success, interpersonal relationships and an individual’s health are all affected by the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The complexity of alcohol and other drug issues are exasperated by the conflicting messages that come from social groups and the media. Education and awareness of alcohol and other drug use on both an individual and institutional level are essential to addressing these problems.

This information is intended to serve as a resource guide on drug and alcohol related issues for UW-Superior students and employees. It presents information on UW-Superior’s expectations regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs, university and legal sanctions that apply to alcohol and drug abuse, health effects, and the resources and services available for members of the campus community. This publication is designed to comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the The information contained in this publication is intended to neither encourage nor discourage the use of alcohol. Rather, it reinforces the idea of informed choice and clearly identifies the consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse.

The legal drinking age in Wisconsin is 21.


Early detection and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse is in the best interest of the employee, student, and university. The following is a list of available resources for UW-Superior students and employees.

UW-Superior  Student Health and Counseling Services, 715-394-8236

  • Certified counselor available
  • Alcohol and other drug assessments

Midwest Employee Assistance Program Solutions (for Faculty/Staff), 800-383-1908

  • Free, confidential insights, and solutions – with no threat to job, promotional opportunities, or reputation
  • Assistance to professional staff recovering from drug and alcohol abuse

AODA Coordinator, 715-394-8394

  • Information on alcohol and drug use
  • Referral to other resources
  • Education and prevention
  • Coordinate PRIme for Life alcohol education classes for students

UW-Superior Courses which Address Alcohol and Other Drug Issues

  • HHP 368/568–Drugs, Health and Human Behavior
  • HHP 102–Wellness Course
  • Soc W350/CJUS 350 – Intro to Addiction and Recovery
  • Coun 732 – Addictive Behaviors
  • Coun 734 – Chemical Dependency and the Family
  • Refer to the current General Catalog for more information

The Superior Treatment Center, Inc., 715-392-9300

  • Pre-Admission Screening, AODA Assessments, Outpatient Treatment Services, Relapse Programs, Co-Dependency and Family Counseling…
  • Your Personal Health Care Provider and Local Hospitals

The Universities of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin-Superior prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on university property or as part of university activities. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on university premises, except as expressly permitted by the chief administrative officer or under institutional regulations, in accordance with s. UWS 18.06(13)(a), Wis. Adm. Code**. Without exception, alcohol consumption and procurement are governed by Wisconsin statutory age restrictions under s. UWS 18.06(13)(b), Wis. Adm. Code.**  The unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture, dispensing of illicit drugs (“controlled substances” as defined in ch. 961, Wis. Stats.***) is prohibited in accordance with s. UWS 18.10(1), Wis. Adm. Code.** Violation of these provisions by a student may lead to imposition of a disciplinary sanction, up to and including suspension or expulsion, under s. UWS 17.03(1)(b), Wis. Adm. Code.* University employees are also subject to disciplinary sanctions of violation of these provisions occurring on university property or the worksite or during work time, up to and including termination from employment. Disciplinary sanctions are initiated and imposed in accordance with applicable procedural requirements and work rules, as set forth in Wisconsin statues, administrative rules, faculty and academic staff policies, and collective bargaining agreements. Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible. Further, violations of ss. UWS 18.06(13) and 18.10(1), Wis. Adm. Code** may result in additional penalties as allowed under ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code.** Employees who are convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace must notify their director or department chair within 5 days of the conviction if the employees are employed by the university at the time of the conviction. [Revised 1/97] *

UWS Chapter 17, Wis. Adm. Code 
** UWS Chapter 18, Wis. Adm. Code
***Chapter 961, Wis. Statute


The laws of Wisconsin prohibit drug possession and delivery through the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Wis. Stat. 161, and mandate stiff penalties that include up to 15 years in prison and fines up to $500,000.  A person with a first-time conviction of possession of a controlled substance can be sentenced up to one year in prison and fined up to $5,000, Wis. Stat. 161.41(2r)(b). The penalties vary according to the amount of drug confiscated, the type of drug found, the number of previous offenses by the individual, and whether the individual intended to manufacture the drug, sell the drug or use the drug (see Wis. Stat. 161.41). In addition to the stringent penalties for possession or delivery, the sentences can be doubled when exacerbating factors are present, such as when a person distributes a controlled substance to a minor, Wis. Stat. 161.46(1). Substantial restrictions against alcohol abuse also exist in Wisconsin. The legal drinking age in Wisconsin is 21 years of age. It is against the law to sell alcohol to anyone who has not reached the legal drinking age and there is a concurrent duty on the part of an adult to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol on his or her premises, Wis. Sat. 125.07 (a)(1). Violation of this statute can result in a $500 fine. It is against the law for an underage person to attempt to buy an alcohol beverage, falsely represent his or her age, or enter a licensed premise. Violation can result in a $50 fine, required participation in a supervised work program, and suspension of one’s driving license, Wis. Stat. 125.07(4)(3). The federal government has recently revised the penalties against drug possession and trafficking through its Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The revisions reduce the discretion that federal judges may use in sentencing violators of federal drug statutes. Under these guidelines, courts can sentence a person for up to six years for unlawful possession of a controlled substance, including the distribution of a small amount (less than 250 grams) of marijuana.  Federal and state financial aid eligibility may be suspended by a court from one year to indefinitely, for convictions of trafficking in, or possession of, certain illegal substances. A sentence of life imprisonment can result from a conviction of possession of a controlled substance that results in death or bodily injury. Possession of more than five grams of cocaine can constitute an intent to distribute and result in a penalty of 10 to 16 years in prison, U.S.S.G.s.2D2.1(b)(1).


Alcohol Beverage Service on University (State Owned) Property 

UW Administrative Code, Chapter 18(13)a,b,c,d, requires approval to procure, sell, dispense, and give alcoholic beverages away at an event held on the UW-Superior campus. These requests to serve alcoholic beverages must be approved by the Chancellor or his designee. A “Request for Alcohol Service” can be obtained at the Chancellor’s Office. Individuals requesting to serve alcohol at an event, must agree to assume responsibility to monitor the drinking age of those in attendance to prevent anyone under the Wisconsin legal drinking age from obtaining or consuming alcohol from this service. The only buildings exempt from this policy would be the Student Center and Wessman Arena.  (rev. 9/06)

Alcoholic Beverages in the Yellowjacket Union (taken from YU Policy Book)

The University discourages alcohol abuse at both public and private gatherings and at all events held at the University. For those who choose to drink, UW-Superior encourages responsible use of alcoholic beverages. Those who choose not to drink shall have their rights respected by others. All fee paying students shall have equal access to all University facilities and activities. Alcoholic beverages may continue to be available at UW-Superior for retail purchases by those who have attained the legal drinking age. Beer and Wine Services (Pub Procedures)

All eligible UW-Superior students, faculty, staff, alumni and their guests, along with students having valid identification from other colleges and universities, will be allowed in any “pub” areas and are invited to attend events held in the Student Center. Only those individuals with proof of age on a legal, picture I.D. will be allowed to purchase and/or consume alcoholic beverages. Proof of age procedures, other provisions and exceptions will be handled in accordance with Wisconsin State Law. Bartenders will be required to verify age before dispensing alcohol. Authorized University student and staff employees may make spot checks of those consuming alcoholic beverages in any “pub” areas and at scheduled events. There will be no quantity sales of alcoholic beverages (pitchers, carafes, etc.) and a maximum of two (2) individual servings per purchase allowed at scheduled events/programs. All violations will be handled per established University procedures. This applies to not only underage persons, but to anyone of legal drinking age who knowingly and willfully supplies alcoholic beverages to an underage person.

Liquor Services

If alcoholic beverages are to be made available to persons attending a meeting, event or program in the Student Center, arrangements must be made with the University Dining Service; 715-394-8102 ALL alcoholic beverages MUST be provided by the University Dining Service. The following guidelines apply:

  • Liquor services must be in conjunction with a food program (i.e., meal or hors d’oeuvres).
  • Liquor services may be provided at events sponsored by a group for its own members and specifically invited guests only.
  • Under ordinary circumstances, alcoholic beverages will be catered or sold on an individual drink basis, except that wines by the bottle or carafe and alcoholic punches may be furnished at dinners and receptions.
  • Only those areas in the Rothwell Student Center that have appropriate and adequate facilities for the service of alcoholic beverages and for the control of persons to be served such beverages may be used.  All alcoholic beverages must be consumed within the area(s) designated for the particular event.
  • Alcoholic beverages will be served only at such times and under such conditions consistent with local, state and federal regulations governing such service.

When University Police is informed of a suspected incident involving underage possession or drinking of alcoholic beverages, the matter will be handled according to established law enforcement procedures. A report will be written about the incident, containing the necessary data, with distribution of copies to the proper authorities, as available under Wisconsin’s Open Records Law.

PRIme for Life: Alternative Sanction Program for First Time Underage Drinking Violators

PRIme for Life Alcohol Education is a class based on a Lifestyle Risk Reduction Model of Prevention that encourages students to make low-risk drinking choices. Based upon the latest research, this class is an alternative sanction for first time underage drinking violators. Students that receive underage drinking citations attend a court date and are given the option of paying a financial penalty or attending the PRIme for Life class.


The abuse of alcohol and the use of illicit drugs can result in serious health problems. Further, the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol are not conducive to maintaining an effective academic atmosphere. The use of alcohol and drugs impedes the learning process and can be disruptive for individuals other than the users. Early diagnosis and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse is in the best interest of the student, employee and the university. The following is a partial list of drugs and the potential consequences of their use. Alcohol (ethanol or ethyl alcohol) is a central nervous system depressant. It slows down bodily functions such as heart rate, pulse, and respiration.  Alcohol can cause intoxication, sedation, and sometimes unconsciousness. In very large doses, alcohol can cause death. People can become psychologically and physically addicted to alcohol.  Dependence on alcohol — an illness known as alcoholism — can lead to severe physical, emotional, and psychological problems. Marijuana (Cannabis) is the most frequently used illicit drug in America. Marijuana can impair speech, short-term memory, physical coordination, judgment, concentration, attention span, and overall intellectual performance. Marijuana can cause delusions or hallucinations; in some cases, an acute psychosis can result. Since the effects of marijuana are so unpredictable, users should be aware of possible adverse reactions. People can become both physically and psychologically dependent on marijuana.

Cocaine and Crack (a street name for a ‘freebase” form of cocaine) are highly addictive, powerful central nervous system stimulants. Cocaine can impair judgment, concentration, coordination and vision, increase impulsive behaviors and the tendency to take risks. Cocaine increases motor activity and arousal and reduces the perceived need for food and sleep. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and body temperature. High doses of cocaine create more intense euphoria and can cause a variety of adverse reactions. They include: bizarre and violent behavior, extreme anxiety and restlessness, tremors, spasms, hallucinations and delusions, chest pain and nausea. At high doses, cocaine can also produce seizures, cardiac arrest and high fever which can result in death. Amphetamines or stimulants are synthetic central nervous system stimulants which act similarly to the naturally occurring substance, adrenaline. Some examples are Dexedrine, Benzedrine, Didrex, Methedrine and Ritalin. Amphetamines produce a number of temporary effects such as wakefulness, alertness, increased energy, suppressed appetite, and feelings of well-being. Long-term use or high dosages may result in severe anxiety, sleeplessness, and paranoid psychosis. Users can become dependent on these drugs. Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth, speed, chalk, ice, and glass) is a synthetic stimulant closely related to amphetamine, but has longer lasting and more toxic effects on the central nervous system. It has a high potential for abuse and addiction. Short-term toxic effects include: damage to nerve terminals in the dopamine-containing regions of the brain (sometimes after just one use), elevated body temperature (may lead to death), and possible convulsions. Long-term effects can include: addiction accompanied by functional and molecular changes in the brain, violent behavior, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, mood disturbances and delusions (the common feeling that insects are crawling under the skin), and homicidal or suicidal thoughts all becoming more pronounced as use continues (and inevitably increases). Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants that are used to treat anxiety, induce sleep, and control seizures.  Moderate doses of these drugs can result in intoxication similar to that caused by alcohol. People can become physically and psychologically dependent on barbiturates. An overdose of barbiturates can cause death by cardiac failure or respiratory failure. Combining barbiturates with other depressant drugs is particularly hazardous. Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, Mescaline, MDA, blotter) alter mood, thought, perception and brain function by interrupting the brain messages that control the intellect and keep instincts in check. Some of these drugs are synthetic; others are compounds extracted from plants and fungi. Large doses can produce convulsions, coma, and heart and respiratory failure. Chronic users complain of persistent memory problems and speech difficulties for up to a year after their use. Because the drug stops the brain’s pain sensors and affects judgment, drug experiences may result in severe self-inflicted injuries or death. Narcotics (narcotic analgesics or opiates) are drugs that cause sedation and euphoria. The term opiate refers to natural drugs produced from the

Oriental poppy, such as opium, morphine, codeine and heroin (a chemically treated derivative of morphine). Opiates are highly addictive both physically and psychologically. People can rapidly become psychologically dependent because of their euphoric effects.  Respiratory depression is often linked to opiate overdose. It is extremely hazardous to mix opiates with other drugs. Ecstasy and Other Club Drugs (XTC, X, Adam, hug, beans, love drug) is a human-made drug that acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It is taken orally as a capsule or tablet. Short-term effects include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased physical energy. Adverse health effects can include nausea, chills, sweating, teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. 

Copies of the UW-Superior Alcohol and Other Drug Policy are available by calling 715-394-8243.