Report a Crime Anonymously
If you have knowledge of a crime that occurred on campus and would like to report tips about it to the UW-Superior University Police Department anonymously, please use our online form. See below for examples of information that could be helpful to the police department.
- Type of known crime(s) that occurred.
- Exact location or address where known crime(s) occurred.
- Special dates or times when known crime(s) occur.
- Explain why you suspect known crime(s) is/are being committed at this location, and any other potentially useful information that you are aware of.
- Suspect(s) name(s).
- If the suspect’s name is not known, give a description. i.e. clothing, hair, height, build, etc.
- How you became aware of known crime(s): (eyewitness, suspect told me, heard it from someone else, etc.)
- Was UW-Superior University Police Department (715) 394-8114 and/or Superior Police Department 911 called about known crime(s)?
- All information provided will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.
Anonymous Sexual Assault Reporting
If you have knowledge of a sexual assault that occurred on campus or off campus involving a student and would like to report it to the Dean of Students anonymously, please use our online form.